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Old 07-07-2010, 05:56 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Elk River, MN
Posts: 212

The books look great! I agree with all of the above comments... shows, libraries, etc. A strong on-line presence is PERTINENT in this age! It is the only way to connect people that you aren't geographically close to... which expands your market by tons.

Can I give you some critical feedback on the website? >ducking from flying tomatoes<
There are some spelling errors that catch my attention...
and (IMHO) the "ladies" in the book descriptions need to have less " " " around them; or none at all.
Can you also 'prettify' (speaking of spelling errors!) the website? I know.. it's all money... but a nice website and easy navigation mean a lot.
Also giving another description of you, your business, your goal-of sorts- in laymans terms near the top of both the blog and the website would help... I had to scroll down and read the descriptions to kind of understand what the books were about.

I wish you the very best!!! I hope you can find something that works for you... you've obviously poured your heart and soul into these books and I hope you can receive that investment back... by selling LOTS!
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