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Old 07-08-2010, 01:34 PM
Pam B
Super Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: central Indiana
Posts: 1,166

It is just plain wrong the way you were treated when you called to question. I do watch when I visit a LQS for the aforementioned reasons...we get to talking, other customers interrupt, etc. Nobody is perfect and mistakes do happen. I left once and got to thinking that I had not been charged enough! I pulled over...looked through my purchases and, sure enough, the little gal had not charged me for something. So, I just pulled out my cell phone and called her to tell her that she had undercharged me (and it was about a $30 mistake). She was very appreciative of my honesty and they just noted my account and I took care of it the next time I was in there. Honesty works both ways and, for the most part, most quilters and LQS people are very honest.
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