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Old 07-08-2010, 02:20 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 323

I have some physical limitations as well, and I have found that cutting strips on a cutting board with a rotary cutter IF I can manage to get everything at the correct height to use from a seated position is OK... And you would get much less lint and not have the distortion of prewashing the strips. Also, this may sound stupid, but it makes an incredible difference to have SHARP rotary blades. For ages I did not ever change them, then used a new one and was amazed and how much easier it was! I imagine the lint is partly from the fabric and partly from the environment that the cutting was done in...I like to have a ruler that spans the width of the fabric being cut, and then it is just zip zip zip. OR if all else fails, ask someone to help you with the cutting. Try not to give up your quilting. It is too much fun and VERY therapeutic!
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