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Old 07-10-2010, 04:18 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
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Welcome from St. Paul, Minnesota. I didn't have to hear that we are going to have a colder winter. Last year was bad enough! Just ask my checkbook!!!!! There was a commercial on tv a few years back from our local gas and electric company, Xcel Energy, and they had a singer on singing the song from Ride of the Valkyries (the music from Apocolypse Now): Welcome to Winter
In Minnesota
Here is your fuel bill
Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!

Anyhow, inside is always the best place in the winter here and what else is better to do than quilt. A nice hot cup of tea, something to listen too. I can sit at my sewing table, look out the window to the east and see how much snow is on the ground, if it is raining, or, if like today, it is looking gorgeous, but we are supposed to have donner und blitzen (thunder and lightning (in German)). Well, the lightning puts nitrogen in the ground and the thunder scares the bejabbers out of Miss Bess, to your left!!

Again, welcome! Where in Minn are you located? I have yet to see someone from St. Paul. AM I THE ONLY ONE????????????
Have a good day! Edie
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