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Old 07-10-2010, 06:45 AM
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Originally Posted by sahm4605
if it floats your boat then go with it. that is what i say most of the time. quilting is like anything else, a guy can do it and I think that all guys should lean basic sewing and women should learn basics in hunting, from guns to arrows. parents do their kids a disservice by not allowing a kids to learn as many skills as they have time fore. I went to a middle school and high school that taught archery and shooting to the boys but the girls were not allowed. It was during gym. can't remember but think that we had to learn dancing at that time. was mad because wanted to do the archery and shooting. more fun for me. not very coordinated when it comes to dancing. I look like I am having a seizure. So all you dads out there teach your sons to sew at least a hole in their cloths. it will do them a world of good later. my hubby can't iron or sew a button on to save his life. he has learned to vacuum since meeting me. hehe.
My hubs has no problem going into a quilt/fabric shop. If the store has an attitude that is their problem not his. As for hunting, I learned from my aunt when I was a girl. Auntie and her kids would come and get my grandmother and me (Gran raised me) and we would all go out and hunt. Get on the logging roads as we live in the mountains and Auntie would get grouse or if a deer happened in the sights. Now my father showed me how to change oil, flush the radiator and change park plugs. Dad said if I get a dumb husband I'll need to know how to do these things myself. Mind you, this was back-in-the-day when cars were more simple to maintain before all the computer stuff went into them and all the miles of hoses too. Hubby and me lift the hood of the car and think, 'what is all that stuff?' Dad would be proud I have a hubby that know how to change oil, replace spark plugs and minor repair and not afraid to go into a quilt/fabric shop by himself.
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