Old 07-10-2010, 08:57 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

Originally Posted by Annaquilts
Can treadles have a reverse? Is it a big deal if yours doesn't? At this point I am more looking at piecing on it then quilting. Would adding a hand cranck help? Have a 1914 66 Red Eye on a treadle. Still high shank.
All Singer sewing machines from that era were low shank The only one that was different were the Backclamp 66-1 and 66-3.

The later 66's had a back tack feature but I piece and quilt on a 66-1 Red Eye and never had a problem. If you want to tack your stitches you just stop lift the presserfoot and go back to your starting point and stitch over it never cutting the thread. Works great for me.

I think keeping it a treadle would be really helpful if your going to use it for quilting and it is a lot easier to use that way.

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