Old 07-10-2010, 02:21 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Pratt, KS
Posts: 313

Originally Posted by Weedwoman
Hi Billy, did you get a chance to look at the pics I posted of my Diamond and the Red Eye? I figured out how to look the number up on the singer and find out the year but I don't have a clue as to what the models are or how to tell and I'd really like to learn (one less person buggin you for help). Thanks AGAIN

I can help you with the Singer information...when you are reading the tables on the Singer site the first column indicates the letter code (1 or 2 letters-or possibly none based on the age of the machine), the second and third columns are the registry numbers (6 to 7 numerals), the fourth column is the machine class (model number), the fifth column is the quantity of the model number allotted to that particular production run, the sixth column is the initial day of allotment, the seventh column is the year of the production run, and the final column may or may not contain production notes...

for example:

[EK-] [017826 067825] [99K] [50000] [December 6] [1954]

The example machine has a serial number of EK017826, it is a model 99k, it is one of a production run of 50,000; it was allotted on Dec.6, 1954. The allotment date is not an absolute date of production but it gets us pretty close to a birthday for these wonderful machines....

I will do some research and see what I can find out about the Diamond....that is one beautiful machine....

Quilting in Pratt, KS---when I can make myself get off of the computer---

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