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Old 07-11-2010, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by winipb2
Originally Posted by cimarron
Originally Posted by winipb2
Originally Posted by cimarron
annual Grandma Camp. Indoor, outdoor, you name it. I'd love some new suggestions! They range from six years to fifteen years. ALL help would be appreciated!
How bout an old fashion Taffy Pull?

Wini - House of BCC in Houston
taffy. Do you have a reliable recipe. .
Sharing Taffy receipe:
Vinegar Taffy

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbs Vinegar
1 tsp Flavoring ie: vanilla, orange, lemon or
1/2 tsp peppermit
Cook sugr, water, cor syrup, salt and vinegar until a few drops of th mixture will make a hard ball in cold water. 260 dg on a candy thermometer. Pour onto a greased dish or platter, spinkle flavoring over top and turn the outer edges of the candy in toward the center until cool and firm enough to handle.

Use only the fingertips to handle at this staged and only after you have liberly greased fingertips with butter.
when mixture can be handled, take off the platter and pull the mixture out with both hands. Flod over and pull out again.

If you are having a Pulling Party you can devide the mixture as it comes off the platter. One person is assigned to each end og the candy mass. As it is pulled out each person brings their end toward the middle and after it is folded makes a new pull.

As the mixture becomes cooler and the longer it is pulled, it will become stiffer and can be pulled out into a longer strand. As you pull you will notice the candy begin to change color as air is worked into the mixture. Pull until it is difficult to pull out an dthe mixture becomes quite firm.

Pull into long thin strip and have someone cut the strips into 1/2 pieces with greased scissors and roll each piece in powdered sugar. Store cooled taff in an air tight container with waxed paper between layers and store in cool dry place.

Note*** If the taffy sugars, it can be recooded by puttin it in a pan with 2 tbs corn syrup and 1/4 cup water. Stir until dissolved and then recook according to the original directions.

This is an old and reliable recipe. I first started using it in the mid 50's from a reciped book (unknown at this time) that was my grand mothers and the recipe book was most likely dated back to the 30's possibly the 20's. As I said it is an old recipe.

Enjoy the laughter and memories that this activity can bring you and who ever you share it with. Good for kids and adults alike.

Wini - House of BCC in Houston
WHOOOO! HOOOO! Oh, thank you! I've got to get everyone in on this occasion!!! My mother's aunt who I mentioned made this for mom as a youngster was keeping alive memories SHE and my grandfather had of some relative (long before me!) doing this for them, and their cousins! Oh BOY! I will get to keep this going for the NEXT generation, or two! THANK YOU!

Back again, I just wrote my brother in Kansas about THIS idea too! I've got a feeling he will want to come to visit to participate in this event also! Can you double this recipe, he is a grandfather too...with four children, and five grandchildren of his own.... Lives in a big old victorian there in KS, once he sees this bet my sis-n-law will be doing this for their bunch when they all come to visit.
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