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Old 07-12-2010, 09:43 AM
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Location: Alabama
Posts: 432

Oh, no don't put your name and phone number to the note.

I made that mistake over a handicap parking space. The lady that parked in it, nearly ran into the store after she had parked. I left her a note stating I hoped she never really needed this handicap parking space and hoped she would have been more considerate to the ones that did actually need it. (My husband is handicapped, so this is a touchy subject with me!)

I had only left my name. She hunted me down and called me that afternoon and cussed me out and said she was going to swear out a harassement charge on me; and she did.

The officer called me at work and asked me to turn myself in that there was a warrant for my arrest for harrassement. I explained to the officer the whole story and how she had called me and cussed me and that I wanted a counter-harrassement claim. I am in tears calling my husband to get bail started, then go and tell my boss; while crying.....the officer calls me back and said all charges were dropped. By this time I was mad and asked why? The officer said she was afraid after he had explained how my husband was handicapped, that she might have to verify that she was indeed handicapped enough to have the priviledge of parking in handicap. The officer said, "Madame, don't ever sign your name to it!"

It has been several years since then and it is funny now, but never even having a parking ticket this was un-nerving!

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