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Old 07-12-2010, 11:45 AM
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Originally Posted by wvdek
Sit back, relax, enjoy your vacation. It's a vacation after all. One thing we forget to do is to just do nothing. Yes, nothing. It is ok to be alone with your thoughts, take a walk and take in nature, observe even the little things around you. Read if you want, do some birdwatching, learn about the trees around you, the wildflowers(if any), study insects, you get the picture. Why do we alway's feel like we have to be doing something? Relax.
I absolutely LOVE your advice!! :thumbup: Everyone ought to do this on a regular basis. Extremely healthy and terribly underrated. Folks tend to forget the definition of this Latin word meaning "vacating, leaving, freedom and release from duty - literally to be empty of.."

We are so into DOING and not just BEING.

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