Old 07-13-2010, 05:26 AM
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I have wonderful news. I was at one of my local quilt shops yesterday and with two kids in tow went in. This was the second stop. the first was joanns. had a coupon. YEAH ME.
Well not only was I greeted at the door it was opened for me. (I had one kid in a stroller and another by the hand) went in and the lady didn't hover over me just asked if there was anything I needed and went back to the counter.
Well those of you who have little ones know how hard it is for little hands to keep to themselves. Well my dd was picking up things left and right and my sons hands were all over everything. (Drove me nuts. kept yelling at them to stop touching things) not once did one of the ladies chide my children or hover over me to get me to hurry up and move on. It was nice not to have a store owner eying my kids like they were going to ruin their stuff. The ladies when I was getting my fabric cut were actually amazed at how my dd knew where to put back the things that she had been picking up. I would have liked to buy more but I could only get 1 yard because it was sooo expensive. they don't have coupons or sale bolts.
I know that they would double their business if they did coupons or sale racks that all the fabric would get to sit on for a day or something like that. anyhoo. I was very happy with my experience, other than my kids driving my nuts trying to touch everything in the store. (Think that they get that from me. Love to touch and feel the fabric. hehe)
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