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Old 07-13-2010, 01:05 PM
Favorite Fabrics
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Originally Posted by amandasgramma
I keep wondering why the manufacturers don't get it! They raise the prices, we buy LESS!!!!!! Sorry about your shop!
The manufacturers of the cloth itself are the ones raising the prices first, and they are all overseas. Which means that it's not just the prices the manufacturers set, but also the exchange rates on the dollar. Plus some fluctuation based on the price of oil, I would think, 'cause it requires fuel to power the ocean freighter that brings the fabric to our shores. The initial increase just creeps upwards along the supply chain. In the end, all the retail stores have to raise their prices, just to continue to cover the increases that were passed along to them. You know, so they can continue to pay their rent and employees and taxes. Ummm... the taxes, for sure, never do go down!
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