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Old 07-15-2010, 07:41 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Colorado
Posts: 1,388

1) Finish painting the closet doors in my daughter's room. DONE!!!!

2) Finish my July doll quilt. (All cut out, just needing to sew it together.) Getting there...

3) Kill the scary stuff growing in my dh's bathroom. Then paint the entire bathroom a BRIGHT yellow. Killed the ickies... painting as soon as I get off the computer!

4) VBS every night from 6 to 8pm! (I am the basket weaver) Three nights down... two to go. They asked me to decorate a cake for Friday, but I declined. I ordered one from Sam's instead!!!

5) Take the kids to the zoo on Wednesday morning before the temperature hits 100+ degrees! DONE! We left by noon because it was TOO HOT!

6) Finish all the laundry and reorganize the closet. Did one load so far... today's the day for laundry too! (Closet will have to wait.)

7) Clean out the garage enough to park my vehicle in it! Not going to happen this week. Oh well.

8) Finish my two distance learning classes and get mailed off. Almost done with one. Just need to type it up. Will start the other one next week.

9) Begin lesson planning for next school year. (I am teaching a new subject, so I am starting from scratch!) Again, putting off til next week.

10) Get my kitchen ready for a new dishwasher that is hopefully going to be delivered this week! Pretty clean and ready, they just haven't called to let me know it is in. Guess that will have to be next week too.
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