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Old 07-15-2010, 01:43 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Fort Smith, Arkansas
Posts: 582

OK guys. I have read every post on here. I don't know how you can stand it. I have no UFO's and only one WIP. I absolutely have to finish something before can start another one. I am so bad about this. (example: I will take a plant that is about to die and do everything I can ro revive it, where most people would just toss it, same thing with leftover food, take it and make a new recipe). I have completed some UFO's that others have given me and enjoyed every minute of it. My thing is I am new at quilting and to finish someone's UFO gives me experience and it gives them satisfaction knowing someone is getting use out of it. So, if you have extras that you don't want or are tired of, please PM me. I will reimburse you. (Think about it. Make someone a deal on the ones you don't want and make some money to buy new fabric).
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