Thread: Saving money
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Old 07-16-2010, 06:03 AM
Tink's Mom
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Originally Posted by wvdek

OMgoodness! What's the name of the rose, how old is it, and what the heck are you feeding it? How do you keep the bugs from eating it? Just beautiful.

You must amend your soil and prune well. Of course you are now going to tell us you don't do anything and just let it go it's way. :roll:
I really don't do anything to them...too thorny....I can't remember the name of the rose, but it is a shrub rose, and about 6 years old. The bugs don't bother this one...just my other In the fall, I mulch my leaves an put them in the garden because I have lots of perenniels. In the spring I work most of the leaves into the soil....that's Miracle Gro. I would hate to see it if I did...LOL
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