Thread: Hand Quilting
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Old 07-17-2010, 06:27 PM
Greeter Eva
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Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 466

Originally Posted by Alondra
Incredibly beautiful work! Keep doing it, no matter that you don't get praise and credit... future generations will know. Frankly (and I know this is going to alert the quilt police), I think machine quilting has gone too far, just because we can, and many times the quilting patterns either fight with or overpower the piecing or applique work. Overdone is overdone, whatever the medium, and quilting is no exception. I realize I'm swimming against the current here, but c'est la vie. Whole cloth quilting is one thing, but where you have a pieced or appliqued top, that should be the main focus, not the quilting. Ok, I've had my rant now. :lol:
I agree. A lot of the machine quilted ones , I hardly notice the piecing or applique.
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