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Old 07-18-2010, 06:19 AM
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Peachie...banana peppers are not too hot...they mainly have a "flavor"..not just heat. Pick one and wash it good, then take a little nibble off the end to try it. If you cut it up, you can make sure there are no seeds in whatever you are doing with it and I think you will be fine.
Your tomatoes will be fine on the ground although I do keep tying mine up until I run out of pole.
Your eggplant and squash seem to be suffering from the same thing as I dealt with earlier this year...blooms, great produce. My theory bees to pollenate...I am finally getting beans..I quite cutting my zinnias to attract bees to the garden. I have no idea if it helped or if I'm right, but I'm now getting beans.

Sorry about Joyce and the kitty gift....EEEEUUUUUU!!!
Originally Posted by trupeach1
I have banana peppers, I have never eaten a banana pepper I do not like hot anything. ARE THEY HOT?????????? I have one plant with about 8 peppers. 1 tomato plant is hanging on the ground even though it was tied. Do I have to tie it higher or will it be OK on the ground/wood deck?????? DD went out to check on my tomatoes to make sure no more tomato worms. Actually she almost went out she got to the door opened it, put one foot out and let out a blood curdling scream. One of the stray cats we feed had been by the door earlier just meowing away but I gave it no thought. The kitty left a present a dead mouse, Joyce stepped on it as she was going to walk out, now she will NEVER go on the deck again. The eggplant plants are HUGE but there is not one single eggplant, same with the yellow squash. My bell pepper has 2 peppers. Some of the tomatoes are turning red. I have so few plants yet they take up the entire deck. I wish I had a big garden but I can't do it on my own. I spoke to the lady from the church that does my grocery shopping for me. This year the church has a garden and the produce will go to a shelter. I told her if they need more space and would want to they could use my property next year for a garden but they would have to share with me.
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