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Old 07-18-2010, 09:44 AM
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Through the Grace of God, my son returned home from his first tour with PTSS but alive with all parts.. and it was horrible. Fortunately he had a wife that wasn't about to quit on him plus a loving family that held him close to their hearts. And just when he seem as if he was just about over the hump they sent him back for the second tour.. he, too, did not discuss it, but his wife was his sounding board. When he got home he was worse then before. Each night he cried out for the ones that he couldn't save and he brought each one home. He still has his moments and even thogh his world is a much better place for him, being back to work within the Fire Dept with a promotion, that he earned, was not given, a loving wife, he's starting to get that little boy giggle back that he always had. But he still sufferes from the flash backs. Or sudden loud or strange noises. He had to carry several weapons, and his medic gear plus all the other stuff for every incident that he went out on, but he never once had to fire his gun or take a life. My boy is home and I know in my heart he will be completely home in a very short time. As with your father, the human mind can only absorb so much ugliness and it just takes over their lives. I know your father has found happiness now and when it's time for the family to be all together again, he will be the loving father that he was before he left for the hell in battle. For what it's worth, even at this late date, Dotty, I so understand.
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