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Old 07-09-2008, 05:42 PM
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Hello, I still haven't got to my dolls. I may have a little trouble getting to them.... My 73 year old step dad who is very active decided to climb a roof with a chainsaw and chop down some tree limbs. The chainsaw bumped and got his leg. It is a wonder he didn't chop it off. He is on a blood thinner too and I thought we were going to bleed to death before I got him to the hospital. Anyway he ended up with about 40-50 stitches inside repairing a muscle and tendon and 15 staples plus 3 stitches on the outside to get him back together. Got him home Monday but by Tuesday it still would not stop bleeding and his blood pressure which is normally high was extremely low. So spend yesterday in the ER too. Anyway got him some fluids, antibiotics, and some surgi stuff to try and stop the bleeding. He went to the ortho doc today and he said maybe in a week we would see where he stands to get the staples out but it could be up to 3 weeks. They just want to heal as soon as they can and get them out so they can keep that muscle from healing to where it won't flex. Then he may have to have therapy. It is right to the left of his kneecap right where you bend. It goes down long wise and he can't bend it or the staples can rip out and it bleeds again thanks to the blood thinners. Anyway, right now I am his only I take care of his medical. His real kids come around long enough to make sure it is not life threatening then they are too busy for everything else. But that is okay I do it because I want to.
So sewing is not happening right now, he can't even hardly get up to even use the restroom, and that is bad because he takes water
Anyway I was wondering if anyone would want to do the dolls for my girls and whoever is doing mine could have the ones that is being done for me. If not I will see what I can do, but I go back to work tomorrow too. I will check back. I am sorry for this but hopefully it will work out.
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