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Old 07-19-2010, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by CarrieAnne
Does anyone have fruit trees? Are they doing good? I have some 4 year old ones, I thought might fruit this year, but nothing yet! Maybe next year!
Our plum trees were loaded...until the windstorms got to them. Now there are only about 1/2 dozen on one, and a couple on the other one. The crab apples are doing great, as are the eating apples.

This is the first year our raspberry canes are producing enough to "do" something with the fruit. I have been picking and freezing until I have enough to make some jelly.

We have chokecherries in our windbreaks. They are doing well so now we have to watch them closely or the birds will get them before we do!!! It's a game every year to see who gets them!! LOL

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