Thread: It's a Mystery
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Old 07-22-2010, 04:03 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Northern Michigan
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I sure knows how that goes, seems like the story of my life.
2 years ago i made an adorable locker-hooked snowman rug for my daughter who collects snowmen for christmas, of course around christmas time i could not find it anywhere, a whole year goes by another christmas approaching and still have not come across that dog-gone rug..i'm thinking someone walked off with it?!?, here we are in July of the 3rd year...and low and behold...I FOUND THE RUG!!!!YEA!!! we cleaned out the garage a week ago, and it was HOT so i did not go through some boxes in a cabnet out there figured i'd take them in one at a time and sort them in the evening...last night i carry in a box that has my son's name on it...hubby says, did you get that out of the rafters? (that's where Jeremy's stuff is stored) I tell him know, it was in that cabnet in the garage...going to see what's in it...well, along with the rug were other fabric scraps, a couple fabric bowls...a couple books...i guess for the past 2 1/2 years i never checked that box because it had Jeremy's name on it...that'll teach me...when i pack a box, change the writing on the box!!!
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