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Old 07-22-2010, 07:00 AM
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Posts: 535

What a perfect way to store your fabrics--and btw I LOVE your stash!!!

Originally Posted by QBeth
Having had two foot surgeries, my foot doctor and I are well acquainted. Several month ago, I noticed that he'd emptied two "filing" units that were used to store medical folders (his office is going electronic). Many times, in many offices, I have coveted / yearned for / craved / ... one of these units!! When I saw his empty, I screwed up my courage, dreading what the cost might be, and asked if they were for sale??

Yes! They were for sale and at very reasonable prices. Long story short, I have space for only one in my sewing room (although I was tempted to buy the second unit and re-purpose it) so bought only one. _:thumbup: _

Sorry the picture is a bit blurry (hate this camera!). Is this cabinet to die for or what?!! When the fabric is folded using the ruler method, it fits perfectly. At this point, about half of it is folded correctly. The shelving unit to the right (which will be moved shortly) is what I was using but things kept toppling over and, because the shelves are deep, I kept putting other things in front of the fabric which completely defeated being able to see it at a glance. _ :-( _

So, what do you think of my solution??
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