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Old 07-23-2010, 06:30 AM
Miss Mona
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Location: Peoria Illinois
Posts: 115

This is a funny storry, but semi long, but not funny at the time.

I was at a quilt show and was hanging a quilt. Put 4 of the long 2" pins in my mouth, ball first. Pinned one in place and leaned my head back to find placement of another pin and the pins slid down my throat. Was able to stop and spit out 2 immediately but the other one went on down. An ambulance was called.

I had a nice trip to the hospital with the sirens . I was afraid to talk or swallow and had to go to the bathroom. Oh!! Did I have to go to the bathroom. It was a horrible trip. After I got to the hospital I talked enough to tell them I swalled a pin but at the moment had to go, had to go bad. Of course they said minimal movement, I had to use a bed pan but stay laying down. Take the word of someone who knows, you cannot use a bed pan while laying down in a bed and actually get your urine into the pan. You not only mess up the bed, the floor around the bed, but the clothes you are wearing.

It took about 6 hours at the hospital with them discussing several ways to reach the pin to get it out. They tried slipping a magnet down my throat, that didn't work. Finally they put me out and used a loop, that didn't work. Ended up putting a type of pliers down the throad and was able to remove the pin.

I woke up before they finished removing all the instruments down the throat, started chocking, then throwing up, all over the newly changed bed and nurses, but they got the pin out. It had already gone through the stomach, I have a picture. By this time I was quite hoarse. The nurse had called my husband and told him I swallowed a pin and to bring a change of clothing. This is another story in intself trying to talk and explain to my husband on how swallowing a pin needed a change of clothing.

To this day I never put a pin in my mouth.
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