Old 07-23-2010, 09:11 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 70

Originally Posted by CAROLJ
There is an old saying: "Fake it until you make."
Shall I share another secret with you all?

When I am feeling down, frusterated, drained and ready to call it quits...

I take a nice shower, with the more expensive good smelling stuff some have gifted me with...

I put on some extra special cloths, some uplifting music, treat myself to an extra cup of zero calorie hot herbal fruity tea...and believe...having faith that tomorrow or the next day after that will be better.

If I would be extra gentle and kind to a young child who was ill or suffering...then I should also be extra gentle and kind to my own inner child.

So I do not simply fake it...I make it.
Reality is irrelevant. I control my mood...I do use mood enhancing stuff....some good smelling aroma therapy, the joy of water on my skin in the shower...do something nice with my hair...spritz a bit of something lovely on my pillow or clothing...
I have asthma, so have to be careful ...pull out something pastel and cheerful to sew on...listen to something soothing, uplifting...
or read a good book...

faking it, to me, means putting on a mask.
I would rather be real...and just change my reality.

And I come here to find all my friends, the winners who loose and have gentle hearts and understanding ways...and you comfort me.

When my thoughts grow dark and foreboding, I open the door of my bedroom (only a short time ago, it was a 2 car garage...) and beckon to my lovely horses...and they come on the trot...for some affection and good loving. No food required. I brush them as far as I can reach...feed them the leaves from my cup of tea...and talk soft and gentle to them...and they minister to my spirit.

I have 2 Morgans...Romeo & Juliet.
1 Shetland Pony...Little Ceasar (his short little legs can fly!)
1 Haflinger...Roscoe (don't look at me, I didn't name him)

One of these days I will have DH take some good photos of my lovelies and post them...

The road this grandma is walking is covered with pot holes, huge boulders, thorny bushes, trip grass...and spikey pits to avoid or fall into...and all uphill. If you find wisdom in my words, they are hard won, and lovingly shared.

Be kind to yourselves. I cry that I can not be there with you, personally, to put my arms around you, hold you tight and promise you that you are love-able...and lovely. Just as you are.
Loose the weight for yourselves...not so someone else will be nicer to you, or notice you.

And one last thing...do not put me up on some mystical pedestal...or call me some angel...angels do not get 2nd chances or have souls. I am simply me...the lady God made me.

No preaching...just loving.
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