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Old 07-24-2010, 07:51 AM
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Originally Posted by CarrieAnne
I bet it is an amazing feeling, just not to owe anyone anything! I cant wait!
How we stay out of debt, too, is that we have an "emergency fund" for when something breaks or needs replaced. Instead of putting it on a credit card, we use the emergency fund and then build it back up afterward.

For our cars, we put money away every month in a savings account. We are making "payments" that are EARNING interest instead of paying the interest to a bank! Then when it comes time to replace our car we just withdraw that $$ and pay cash for the car! We buy used cars with a good life expectancy and run them till they are well over 200,000 mi! :) Right now we own 2 has 185,000 and the other has 147,000 mi. They both are super reliable and we take them to TN, GA, and ME without batting an eye! We make about 4-5 long car trips a year because none of our family live very close.

We shop mainly yard sales, thrift stores, and estate auctions to find what we need/want.

We use the "envelope system" for budgeting...wouldn't know how to live without it! :) We've used envelopes since 1989! LOL

I think I have officially become my parents! ROFL!
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