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Old 07-29-2010, 01:45 PM
Marilyn Philips
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I don't have enough floor space and no where to lay out anything that large so I decided to create my own. I have an unfinished basement with plenty of room so I purchased 2 fold up tables (6 ft x 3 ft?). They are sold at a lot of places, hardware stores, Lowes, Home Depot, etc. and they are frequently on sale for about $30 each, especially over the holidays. I opened the tables up and set them side by side. They have a nice finish and it's easy to use tape to hold your fabric down. You can lay out a pretty large quilt or work in one section at a time on the basting. When you're done, just leave the tables set up and cover them with an old sheet or painters plastic to keep it clean until you are ready to use it again. The tables are also useful for other things like outdoor picnics, extra dinner table, etc. It sure beats on the knees no matter how you look at it. :D :D
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