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Old 07-30-2010, 05:05 AM
Lori S
Super Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Illinois
Posts: 9,312

I office out of my home so ... the distraction of having my sewing room so close ..... it always seems to call me.
It is somethimes very hard to stay on the task that I have assigned as a priority.... but I do make a list either the night before of that day of the "chores" ... I find this is really helpful in keeping me focused. While looking at the list it starts to be come apparent where I might be able squeeze in some quilting time. But I use it as a reward or an incentive so I complete my other tasks.
Sometimes its only a few minutes for quilting and I will just do small things that make it more productive when a bigger piece of time comes, like cleaning the cutting area, winding bobbins( I hate having to stop and wind bobbins in the middle of something) , cutting one part of a project, pre-washing fabrics etc.
I get the most satisfaction out of those big pieces of time because it is enough time to really enjoy the process. but the small stuff I can do allong the way can contribute to a wonderful "real session".
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