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Old 08-01-2010, 09:40 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
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the last thing you need from us, or from anyone, is "a push". that would just make you feel worse.

i sense two things. (1) that quilting was work (an obligation); and (2) the friends you quilted with made is seem less so.

when you're used to doing something with friends, it's difficult to start doing it alone. if there's no local guild to join, would you be up to the challenge of trying to start one?

try this ... don't walk into the sewing room intent on forcing yourself to work on anything. just pick up a pattern and shop your stash, pulling out the fabs you'd use if you were going to start it today. if that works, try putting together the fabs a few more projects.

who knows? something might grab your attention and call to you so strongly you'll be at the cutting table before you know it.
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