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Old 08-01-2010, 12:18 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Florida
Posts: 176

Yes, we have talked about this subject many times in the past and recently. But, new people are always joining the board and some of our members are just now experiencing the loss of their fabric dept in their Wal-Mart stores. Lets not be so criticle regarding this subject. I am sure those who have already gone through this much earlier have as one member says "gotten over it" but this is an on going thing with our Wal-Mart stores and new info is being put out there to all of us constantly so I say go ahead and continue reporting your news regarding this subject for us all when you hear something. Those of us who feel it is time to "get over it" please just scroll on down or better yet when you see this subject ..just don't open this subject page. Sorry for all of you who are experiencing this problem with Wal_Mart as I know some of us have only had that store as a means to an end for fabric or it is all some of the board can afford to buy from. Stay safe quilting friends and please keep on asking any and all questions you might have regardless of the subject. That is part of the reason for our wonderful board and its wonderful members.
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