Old 08-02-2010, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by stefanib123
Ok, here's the REAL story:

Agent Pauline is a super secret FBICIAABC agent. There is a top secret mission that needs a super secret, super special quilt to save the world. Pauline MUST find the one person who is up to the challenge and has been predicted by the ancient Amish to appear in the 21st century.

Enter THE TESTS. Agent Pauline has been searching the world over testing and trying to find THE ONE who has the gift that is required for this super secret quilt. Candidates are tested with tests that will kill a mere mortal quilter. THE ONE has not been found. Time is running out.

Will Danmar be THE ONE? Has Agent Pauline finally found the one that she has searched to the ends of the earth for? Will the prediction be fulfilled and mankind saved?

Tune in next time to find out!
How Funny! Thank You!!! I think that Super Secret Agent Pauline may of found.....THE ONE!!! What other mere mortal quilter, who hasn't even been quilting for 2 years yet, would even take on this "Extreme Challenge", and charge such a small fee??? I think that I could maybe....possibly be.....THE ONE!

Is Super Secret Agent Pauline in for the surprise of her long career of "Super Secret Agenting"??? Will the afore mentioned super secret, super special quilt be the most awesome, awe inspiring, Cheap :o), earth shatteringly gorgeous, mankind saving quilt....that the world has been waiting for???

Will danmar be......THE ONE????? Only time will tell....will danmar succeed in forfilling the prediction and save mankind or.......is Super Secret Agent Pauline going to be sooo extremely disappointment and PO'ed, she will have to ship danmar off to her secret torture chamber for all the mere mortals who have disappointed her????

To be continued......
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