Old 08-02-2010, 12:27 PM
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I was so stunned when I read this. I could not walk away with this kind of behaviour. I would probaby be in hand cuffs, but there would be no way that I could bring myself to deface a work of art. This is pathetic in my mind. I see advertisments in my local paper looking to hire border police.. realizing of course, it's for down south, but it sounds to me that regardless of what side of the street they were on, they were probably people who had no comunication skills, would never be hired by a legitimate government agency where they could wear a "big boy's" gun and failed every other test for any other job. Sometimes the pay is so low that it's type of mentalility that gets this jobs to throw their weight around. Really, pushing a senior around for something so ridecules just to strut the strut is to much for me to even consider Home Land security. I so hope that she filed charges when she was in her side of the fence and threatened a lawsuit. Of course how do you put a price on something like this. I can not believe how angry I am on the inside about this. This is just so wrong.
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