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Old 08-03-2010, 04:08 PM
lab fairy
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I think this is one of those semantics things (I can be very literal). I am not understanding the definition of being critical of my own work. I view quilting from a constructive process. I'm just not right brained enough to be any other way. I am very happy with things I make in the end but I may rip them out a few times in the process. I began this quilting process to strengthen my visual/spacial skills. Give me a set of numbers, I'm good. Give me shapes and color and I struggle. I'm getting better but I laugh at my mistakes daily. What is obvious to everyone else isn't so obvious to me. I put together a "frog" block using squares and triangles but somehow the feet were wrong. I didn't have a clue until my husband asked why it there wasn't any feet. :oops:

I don't understand why anyone would be ashamed to be critical of their own work. Everything I produce is a product of critical analysis. A failure analysis is conducted when something goes wrong. You should see some of my better failures. A good failure is when you learn something from it. A bad one is when you don't. I learn far more from failures than successes. It never makes me feel less about myself. I am always sure that whatever I finish is the best I could produce at any given moment with the skills I have.
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