Old 08-04-2010, 03:46 AM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 36

Hi All,
I haven't posted in quite awhile, staying busy and trying to keep out of trouble! Now I would appreciate some advice as soon as I can get it. It will take a few sentences to lead up to my question, so please bear with me.... Here we go: I originally had visions of myself making very elaborate quilts with extensive intricate quilting, but guess what?? You got it! I don't have time!!! I started longarm (Gammill) quilting for others about 4 years ago and just continue to get busier and busier. Usually I just do what the customer wants, but if I feel something won't work out well, I'll offer suggestions. The local fair is coming up in less than 2 weeks and a customer dropped off a top,etc. at one of the local quilt shops for me to complete for her for the fair. My husband usually picks them up at the shop for me, so I just this morning looked at it, altho I've had it since last week. I don't know whether to question her choice of backing or not. When she had originally talked to me she said this was her "Masterpiece" and she has done a very nice job. Many flying geese blocks of a wide variety of white and black prints with 3 large panels of hand embroidered black on white wintry scenes. I know she is already concerned about me being able to get it quilted and get it to her in time for her to finish it, so I hesitate to suggest that for backing I would have chosen a more central theme oriented design. She has a butterfly/floral white on black print which to me seems too much like summertime. BUT...I have not entered in competitions due to my reasons above and truly have no idea whether the choice of backing is judged in how well it relates to the quilt top. I know she is already a bit "antsy" and I just don't want to upset her further unless it is worthwhile, that is, for her to have to go at this late date to shop for a different backing. I would sincerely appreciate advice! Thanks so much in advance!
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