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Old 08-05-2010, 02:42 AM
Swan Song
Senior Member
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Texas
Posts: 405

Hi Ladies! My computer is still sick so I am checking in from work again. :-( Great to see and read how you are all doing though! :-) I added Cheriefaye to the activities page. Welcome!
I also added links to the blocks, tops, etc. that you have posted. Great job, they look wonderful! :thumbup:

I have been sewing and unsewing my blocks. I got all the 9P for my Mom's lap quilt done and then realized I reversed the colors so I took them apart and redid them. I suppose I could have left them since no one but I would know but I just couldn't. :roll: I used the pattern I posted for the table topper and modified it some to make the lap quilt. I think it is turning out very nicely. As soon as my I get my computer back I will post pictures.

Well, I am going to run for now. Hopefully I will rejoin you on a more regular basis soon.
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