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Old 08-05-2010, 08:05 AM
debbie17's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 54

What a absolutely wonderful experience. Egyptian museum. Climbed on the pyramids, my daughter went in. NOT ME!! She said at one point it got to about a 3ft. sq. opening at a 45 degree angle going up. No thank you..
Next climbed Mt. Sinai, half way up by camel, then 700 plus steps made out of rocks on the mountain by a man that took him 2 years. God bless him!! at an elevation of more that 1400 feet, needless to say I was exhausted. 6 hours to get up and down. and we walked all the way down. But while I was up there something happened to me, I became completely aware that I was on Holy Ground, and broke down. But how truly wonderful and beautiful it was.
Off to Aqaba Jordan, on the Red Sea the most beautiful blue water you will ever see. Then to Petra, a true wonder of the world. How did they accomplish everything they did with what little they had. Amazing!!
In Israel we saw everything, Caesarea, Mt. Carmel, Megiddo, Cana, Nazareth, stayed in a Kibbutz on the Sea of Galilee, Caesarea of Phillippi, Capernaum, Mt. of Beatitudes, rededicated our lives and got baptized in the Jordan River, Bet Shean, floated in the Dead sea, Masada, Ein Gedi, Dead Sea scrolls, Ate in Abrahams Tent, In the Upper Room, Zion Gate, Israeli Museum, Holocaust Museum, Mt. Moriah, Garden of Gethsemane, Mt. of Olives, House of Caiahas, Pools of Bethesda, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Golgotha, Garden Tomb, Western Wall excavations, Temple Mt. and Bethlehem. Yes we saw alot Swan in every sea, and walked were Jesus walked. Can't wait to read through the bible again. And did I find fabric? After being there and seeing all the women wearing mostly black. I realized pickins were slim, and then while we were shopping on that last day at the Temple Mt. at the bazaar I hit the mother load, the only fabric shop we ever saw, I was like a kid in a candy store. You have to go to this site, He was wonderful. and he said to check him out on youtube, americans came in an did a short story on his shop and one of the fabrics with purple and silver floral pattern is featured in the clip, I got that, silk. Oh the beautiful silks he had. literally made for kings and high priests. When he asked me how much I wanted, and you know us quilters we only want a quarter yard of everything. He gave me what ever I wanted for free. since it was such a small amount. Of course I did give him money, his floor was glass exposing a church they found while trying to expand his shop. They will never be done excavating there. Type in Bilal Abu Khalaf on youtube and you can see the shop I was in. I want to thank all of you who prayed for my daughter and myself. It was A TRIP OF A LIFETIME... I want to go back!!!
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