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Old 07-22-2008, 04:07 AM
Quilting Aggi
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Originally Posted by Rose Marie
My biggest gripe is TV ads. It seems that its more commercials than programing. Then they turn up the volumn and I live in a condo so I have to put my TV on mute.
I am very rude to people who call me on the phone wanting me to buy something. After being bombbarded with ads from all sides, I refuse to have my phone taken over.
My next purchase is a TIVO.
I also have QNN but you do have to pay for it. Quilters TV is free.
and you want to know what gets my goat!!??? When the tv ads play the same advert 2 and 3 times in a row!! I mean talk about brainwashing ya!!!!!! Make no wonder I never turn the tv on!!! I was never a tv person. When I do watch tv, I love the OLN channel, National Geographic channel, and other learning channels. Otherwise the tv is off and I just turn on some tunes and sew sew sew!!!!!!!!!!!!
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