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Old 08-06-2010, 10:28 AM
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Location: Central Florida
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OK - - here's the whole story.

Late last night (I'm an insomniac) I got to thinking about what my husband describes (in his words) "my little s**t sewing machine that my (his) mother gave me" which was sitting in the attic in a pretty beat up case.

I had actually never seen the machine but thought about what the case looked like and a lightbulb went off!! "Holy mackerel - I'll just bet it's a FW - - thars gold in them thar rafters". So this morning when he woke up I got him to go in the attic and bring it down.

So................. we opened up the little puppy to discover a shiney little baby. Yup - A FEATHERWEIGHT!!!!! Plugged her in and she sounds like she was born yesterday. After finding the serial number, I discovered that she was born in 1948 and the plate on the motor says it was in Elizabethport, NJ.

It is apparent that the machine was used quite a bit, but taken care of. I had problems with the bobbin, but adjusted the tension screw which helped but it's still skipping stitches like crazy. As soon as I get an extra minute I'll change the needle in case it's something simple like that.

I should have been doing data entry all morning for work so I need to put aside my excitement for a bit.

I'll let you all know when I resolve the skipped stitches problem. AND post a photo.
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