Old 08-06-2010, 07:32 PM
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Posts: 23

Originally Posted by Laura3
Good Morning....I am also looking for pieced bunny squares and not having much luck. I have found pieced blocks for everything from eggplants and mushrooms to a cheese danish, but No bunnies!! Go figure!! Anyway...I just found 7 books at my local library that I should get in a few days. I will look for you and let you know if I find any bunnies.
Hi! The bunnies just don't seem to be out there do they? I was really shocked at how hard it's been to find them! I hope, if anything, this thread has helped you some with your search. Let me know if you find something good in your books. :D

One of the members was really great and snail mailed me a pattern. I knew I was going to have to adapt it a little so I figured...If I'm being so stupid and picky about this one quilt and accessories, I may as well be completely stupid about it - and I broke down and bought EQ 7!! Between the program and the pattern, I should be able to get exactly what I want.

Originally Posted by ranger
I love this bunny quilt. Hillgal posted this the other day. It looks like it's pieced. You could send her an e-mail.
Oh that's too cute! That one would make a great wall hanging!

Originally Posted by Yarn or Fabric
Here is one I found when I was searching for free paper piecing projects to kick of my PP page for my website.

It is a gorgeous bunny. I want to make one! I think it would be adorable for a garden quilt - okay, more like sadistic since bunnies are not gardener's friends...

If you are looking for a more realistic bunny, this would be your ticket ;)
That bunny is very realistic - I might have to make him just to hang in my house!

Originally Posted by jrhboxers
The quilt that Ranger posted is from the book Quick Rotary Cutter Quilts and the set is called Baby Bunnies Crib Set. The set includes a quilt, wallhanging and bumper pads.

There is also a cute pattern that I have seen recently - the blocks include bunny, bear, elephant, pig, dog and cat.
Those are adorable too! I think at this point I may end up with enough pieced patterns to make a great bunny sampler!

Thank you to everyone for your help!!

:D :D :D
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