Old 08-07-2010, 08:55 AM
texas granny
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Originally Posted by Candace
This was in the lot of items I bought yesterday. I bought a quilters stash and am slowly going through it. This one confuses me. I think it's like a yard of fabric. The selvage reads Redwork Romance by Alex Anderson by P & B. Are you supposed to actually do redwork embroidery over the blue designs? Does the blue wash out? What are the little blue flowers on each design for? They must be some kind of alignment tool? I'm sorry, but this one confuses me! Can someone tell me what this fabric is used for?
Candace One of the thing I do when I do hand embroidery is I back each piece with a piece of batting. This kind of pre-quilts the flowers. You would have to do the coloring before hand if you are doing that. I have done the emb. with out the batting and I just like it better with it. I don't use a hoop when I do this type of emb. I hope this helps you decide how to do your blocks.
I have cut these type of blocks into pieces and I have also done them in one piece and still back it with the batting.
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