Thread: My new Buddy!!
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Old 08-07-2010, 05:45 PM
Judy Burnett
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 31

I have a kitty EXACTLY like this one and I also rescued her.....I was NOT looking for a black and white kitty and just came upon her and she has been the best kitty EVER. Mine has a little white Nike check on her nose that I thought would go away...but it has not. Abby is my kitty and I started when she was 5 months old taking her in my basket with another plastic basket bungied on to it to keep her in.....for rides on my bike. This made her like motion and now she travels cross country in out car with us...and used to go in the motor home. She is a WONDERFUL kitty.....Her fur is wonderfully soft too. She sleeps with me and is with me all the time. A real friend. Enjoy your "tuxedo kitty" as they used to call them. I sure love mine.
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