Thread: "Weigh In"
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Old 08-09-2010, 07:27 AM
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Zennia, welcome to our weight loss support thread. We have a great group of ladies who have been very supportive this year. We have kinda slacked off, but I'm sure there are still some lurking, waiting for the right moment to jump back in. Please keep joining us and share your successes and ask questions, or give helpful hints. We all love to hear what each other has to say.

Hey Ladies: It seems like so many of us are not as focused as we were back in January/February/March. I for one have found many excuses to give into the negative voice that says, go ahead and eat it, you have been doing so well all year, or just go ahead and sleep in, you did so much yesterday and you need your rest. But this morning, I ignored that little negative voice, and got out of bed immediately when the alarm went off, and put on my walking shoes and went and got reaquainted with my ole buddy the treadmill. And I didn't get one single question about where I have been. I just hopped on and took a 35 mintute walk. And today I feel pretty good about myself. And I have more energy too. So just for today, I am going to act healthy, be active, be aware of the caloric intake, drink lots of water, and keep positive thoughts about myself. I even dug out my journal and wrote down what I have ate, drank, and my activity time. Welcome back. . .Remember that the negative voice in our head doesn't really have our best interests in mind. So we have to replace those negative thoughts with something positive. Like, I like being able to breath when I walk up the stairs. I like seeing the loss on the scale each week. And even if I see a gain when I step on the scale at WW, at least I am at the meeting where I need to be. My favorite positive thought is: I plan to look good in that red dress that I am wearing to the Christmas party in December.

How is everyone else doing? Anyone else have anything to share?

LNeal: Don't be too discouraged. It is just a matter of getting back in the habit. You have been doing so well all year. How's school? Still in classes? or on Summer break?
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