Thread: washing fabric
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Old 08-09-2010, 12:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Scissor Queen
I have made several scrappy quilts with a mix of washed and not washed fabrics. After it's done I wash the whole quilt and you can't tell which fabrics have been washed and which haven't.
Me too! And I waited the whole time for the quilt police to show up, but they never did. The only problem I've had (and it was pretty slight, barely noticeable to anyone but me) was if my backing wasn't prewashed and most of the blocks were, so that the backing shrank more overall than the top.

I did a test doll quilt with unwashed and washed fabrics, just to make sure before I tried it on a bigger quilt, and you couldn't tell a difference.

You might pre-test some of the deeper colors to make sure they aren't going to bleed, though.

A lot of my scraps are from clothing projects, which I always prewash for, but then if I buy a FQ or charm pack, I usually don't prewash, which I why I have a mixture of washed and not washed fabrics, plus of course scraps others have given me, and I never know if they've been washed or not.
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