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Old 07-24-2008, 05:15 PM
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Oh yes :lol: it wasn't my first class but it was when I first started experimenting with colour. we were making two blocks in the class and they basically fitted together to make a large triple square in square with a secondery pinwheel effect. The origional instructions were for a two colour quilt and I decided it would be a good idea to enhance the pinwheel by using a third colour. My other colours were pinks and greens and I decide to use yellow as my third. Well that quilt looked like a technicolour yawn :lol:

The poor teacher struggled so hard to find something nice to say and tried to be encouraging by trying to suggest ways to save it. I felt really bad for her, What an awkward postion to be in poor thing, she was trying so hard to be nice :? :lol: In the end I told her that I was ok with it, that I could see it wasn't working, that I would just replace the yellows with something else, that it had been a valuble experiance and thanked her for a great day. And it was true I'd had a great day despite the disgusting quilt :lol:
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