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Old 08-11-2010, 05:42 AM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: LA - Lower Alabama
Posts: 888

The one thing that amazes me the most is people have no clue how much $$$$ is involved in a quilt... let's not even consider $8-$12 LQS fabric - we'll use WM or markdown fabric as our example, and we STILL have boocoo bucks involved in just the top... then there's the batting, and then backing...
Yet there are people who consider a gifted quilt a "cheap" gift, "homemade to save money" mentality.
Or they see quilts at WM for $30 or at Cracker Barrel for $100 and consider them low cost items.
When sewing machines became available for the home it was a big deal, the machines were very ornate because if you could AFFORD a machine, you wanted to display it (show off if you will).
So the people who could NOT afford such luxury had to come up with a way to disparage another's good fortune and they made fun of machine sewn stuff.....and all of a sudden the only "real" quilt was a handmade one.
Then people made more money and could afford 'store bought' - and they could lord it over the ones who couldn't, so 'store bought' became the goal and homemade was put down...
While I was growning up the transition was from "homemade" to "store bought" (after WWII). Nobody wanted homemade anymore.
Now it's all designer stuff that people want - frankly I don't understand the mentality of having what everybody else has - before Miley got crazy all the preteen girls were gaga over Miley Cirus stuff - it's still in the stores, and before that it was those two twins....
I guess the point of this rambling essay is that some people will ALWAYS appreciate what you did and what you made and how much you poured into it of money/yourself and others just won't get it.
It's a hard lesson to learn ...
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