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Old 06-16-2007, 08:24 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Florida
Posts: 176

Now we are talking quilters. If someone beats me to it fine, but I will try to find out this weekend just who we need to contact to get our message across.
If it is true and there is a good chance it is.... then the dollar will speak the loudest. If they have figures showing the fabric and notions dept. not making their estimated figures ...the company will be only too happy to eliminate that dept. Wal-Mart has such a following I feel that the loss of fabric and sewing customers will not justify keeping the dept. open. I know when I signed the petition website and read other messages from protesters they said they mostly came in for fabric and notions and would pick up other odds and ends while there. so, they will stop shopping the store all together. I am still not sure that is enough to make the company sit up and listen. I just wish there were a way to gauge about how many fabric and notions customers they have in a year and what that average person spends in the dept. That folks is the bottom line.Money and the masses. If the figures are correct as June said and we can count on at least 35,000 people protesting and they were to spend only one dollar a year in fabric and notions dept. in each store that would be $35,000 right there. None of us spend $1.00 alone in that dept. Do you think we have a chance? If you get the chance to go to the petition website and read some of the messages these people have written it will break your heart to see how Wal_mart has left them in the cold. Especially the rural area people who only had Wal-Mart and thats all they can afford. Never let it be said we did not at least try our best. I will put on my Sherlock Holmes hat this week-end and see if I can come up with a name to contact. Have a good week-end all and stay safe. Will talk to you when I have a name.
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