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Old 07-25-2008, 08:43 AM
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Location: Gerber, CA
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I definitily plan on going to the museums. When I was 13 I spent a month in the DC area, that was was 57 years ago :roll: My parents was there on business and my brother and I were waiting to go on a tour of the White House, when a kindly old gentleman came up to us and introduced himself as Col Payton and asked us if we had ever been to Washington DC before. We told him "no" and he said he would be very honored to take us places where very few tourists had been. He gave us a business card and asked us to meet him the next day at the corner we were standing on if our parents would let us go with him. My parents called him that night and my mother dropped us off the next day and we had the most wonderful 4 days of seeing the sites. One day we got to sit in the Vice President's chair at his desk and it was still warm from when he had been sitting in it. We also rode in elevators with Senators and other important people. It was so unreal. I don't think in this day and age it would be a good idea for kids to be treated to a tour like we had.
It seemed every place we went someone rrecognised our guide and they would chat for a few minutes and he would introduce us as his new friends. Most of the tour places we got in free or through a private door.
I know this trip will be quite different but looking forward to it.
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