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Old 08-11-2010, 04:09 PM
arpdesigns28's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Louisville, KY
Posts: 75

Originally Posted by Honey
to much stash? I know that we laugh about the one with the biggest stash wins, but seriously, when is enough enough? I have 10 good sized totes, so by no means do I have the most, but I am starting to feel a little overwhelmed by all of it. I have been trying to shop my stash when I start a new project, but the seems to always be one more fabric that I have to get to complete it. So naturally, when I'm looking for that "one" fabric I see a couple more that I just can't live without. Can anyone say OCD? Does anyone else feel this way?
I go through the same thing, and decided that I would try to get through the current inventory before getting any other fabric. Unfortunately, I do not always follow that, as there is some other fabric out there either in the store or online that is on clearance and is beautiful. I have like 8 good-sized containers myself, and still found myself being in fabric heaven with some of the batiks that were on clearance online at Hancocks of Paducah. Well, they are sitting atop a desk waiting to be placed with the existing inventory. I just think it's hard to do, especially if you have a long list of quilts and ideas for them.
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