Old 07-25-2008, 06:58 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 285

Glad you like them Barb. I had fun making them. Lacy, (my Papillon, 11 yrs. old), strarted screaming in pain about 3 wks. ago . We raced to the doggie hosp., where they took x-rays. Nothing definitive showed in the x-rays.She would cry out if she moved her head to the left or extened her left front leg. She is still on 3 meds. , but seems only a little better. No more screaming though. (Thank God) We have an appt. with a doggie neurologist next Wed. She may have a pinched nerve, as she will still not put weight on her leg when standing or sitting. Thanks for asking Barb. Sorry the answer was so long. Pam W.
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