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Old 07-26-2008, 02:28 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
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Originally Posted by Siren9patch
I hate trolls as much as anyone and I am glad to see that you ladies are about to take an ounce of poo-poo from any of them.
However, I also believe that some of you might be a wee bit paranoid and deleting posts with reckless fervor, as was the case is several of my postings, does not make for a very friendly atmosphere.
Sometimes, you just have to relax and let a thing or two slide. Otherwise, you're bound to drive new members away.
i don't delete with reckless fervor. neither does Admin. we've let some pretty "outrageous" comments remain untouched. it's a matter of trying to maintain that tricky balance between freedom of speech, a sense of humor, and understanding human individuality and imperfection while not letting things to too far, get too gross, too vulgar, too potentially hurtful, or become too likely to start really ugly arguments.

i've deleted comments from close friends. heck ... i've even deleted myself a few times. :shock: it's all about what's best for the collective - never about one, two, or a very few individuals. i don't regret my choices and i don't apologize. however, if i think the "offense" was most likely accidental, i do send a pm to explain for that person's information and future reference. we are great believers in second chances. :wink:
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