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Old 07-26-2008, 06:28 PM
Elizabeth A.
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Oh Sandpat I did exactly the same thing with the baby quilt I sent off with my sister a week or was it two now ago, I took it straight from the dryer and wrapped it up away from cats. Granted I didn't lock them out of the room, but I did box up the quilt, I would have wrapped it too, but I thought it would be good for my sister to see the quilt before she gave it away! :D

Everytime I baste out a big quilt I think about how people with cat allergies shouldn't have one of my quilts, it would be impossible to keep the fur off of it! And I clean before I baste!

Glad you like the pickles, I had to buy cukes at the store last week just so I could have some. Not quite the same with the peals off!

Shelly Quality control that's great!
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